
  • Author Archive
Violence, Journalism and Elections: A timeline of curbs on press freedom and attacks on journalists in Pakistan in the run-up to General Elections 2018
An open-letter to our fellow journalists and the Pakistani news media, to help push back on online misinformation and disinformation [which many of us refer to as fake news]
Media Matters for Democracy launches Trends Monitor, a research analysing the potential manipulation of political hashtags on Twitter in Pakistan through human-bots
Gendering Self-Censorship: Women Journalists and the Double Bind
Launching our newest research ‘Gendering Self-Censorship: Women Journalists and the Double Bind’. Seeks to fill key gaps in the self-censorship debate through a gendered lens.
Media Matters for Democracy writes a letter to the Election Commission of Pakistan to curb the spread of election related online misinformation; ensure implementation of CoC for political parties in online spaces
An open-letter to Bilawal Bhutto Zardari. Dear Bilawal, thank you, but we expected more
Media Matters for Democracy launches first of its kind Urdu booklet to help Pakistani Internet users to identify and counter online misinformation
An open-letter to Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey, the CEOs of Facebook and Twitter, ahead of General Elections in Pakistan, asking them to rise up to the challenge of countering online misinformation
Expressing concern over the abduction of Gul Bukhari and targeting of Asad Kharral. Urgent investigations in these cases of violence and harassment of journalists extremely important