
  • Author Archive
Media Matters for Democracy makes a submission to the UN against Gender-Based Violence and Harassment Against Women Journalists
Messages on the World Press Freedom Day 2020: Media Matters for Democracy expresses solidarity with journalists across the globe, especially women
Media Matters for Democracy announces the creation of ‘Friends of Media Matters’, a network of journalists, lawyers, and designers interested to engage on MMFD’s interventions
Media Matters for Democracy express concerns over the new draft of data protection law; warns it will create a dangerous precedent
Joint Statement to the Federal and Provincial Government(s) of Pakistan on Our Concerns Regarding the Excessive Usage of Digital Surveillance Measures and the Lack of Data Protection Laws During the Ongoing Coronavirus Pandemic
Media Matters for Democracy highlights the increasing digital divide during Covid-19, and warns the government of its extremely negative impact on Pakistan’s citizens
Media Matters for Democracy gets the websites of popular online magazines ‘Slate’ and ‘Gizmodo’ unblocked in Pakistan
Media Matters for Democracy 2019: A Year in Review
Media Matters for Democracy, Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists and Parliamentary Commission for Human Rights conducts a national conference on freedom of expression and related laws
Media Matters for Democracy, Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists, Human Rights Commission of Pakistan and other civil society partners launch a nationwide campaign demanding revocation of social media rules