MMfD’s Trends Monitor Toolkit to help journalists enhance their digital investigation skills

MMfD’s Trends Monitor Toolkit to help journalists enhance their digital investigation skills

Attention all digital journalists, fact-checkers, and content creators in Pakistan, Media Matters for Democracy has recently launched its Trends Monitor Toolkit to equip you with the right tool to conduct thorough fact-checks and combat misinformation.

The Toolkit comprises a set of tools developed by MMfD to help newsrooms monitor social media platforms for organised disinformation on Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, and WhatsApp (public groups), and analyse trends to help them proactively fact-check misinformation.

The resource will allow journalists to stay abreast with the rising misinformation on platforms, and will be deployed in selected newsrooms in Pakistan. MMfD has been working to help newsrooms and journalists cope with ever-increasing misinformation on digital platforms, and has been developing solutions and building skills to improve journalistic fact-checking.

Over the period of 5 years, we’ve trained nearly 3,000 journalists in countering misinformation and fact-checking through various programs and initiatives. This Toolkit brings together our experiences and learning from our past interventions, and binds them together in the form of easily usable tools.

If you think your newsroom can benefit from this tool kit, then feel free to get in touch at