Kashmir Solidarity Day: Media Matters for Democracy expresses solidarity with Kashmiris and condemns atrocities in Indian Occupied Kashmir

Islamabad, 5th February 2020

Media Matters for Democracy expresses solidarity with Kashmiris locked down in Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK) and are unable to communicate and go about their lives and livelihoods due to the draconian policies of the State of India.

The Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK) continue to be under siege after the abrogation of its special status under Article 370 of the Indian Constitution on August 5, 2019, that allowed Kashmir to have its own flag, a separate constitution and the freedom to make its own laws. Six months on, the human rights violations in the valley continue and residents remain prisoners in their own homes and land.

On November 12, 2019, Digital Rights Monitor highlighted on the 100th day of the communication blockade in Kashmir, “As a result of the communication blockade, almost overnight and unprecedented, over 6 million people in the Kashmir region lost connection to the outside world, were unable to travel and/or contact family and friends.”

Today, on the Kashmir Solidarity Day, our news website Digital Rights Monitor published a news article highlighting the atrocities and human rights violations in the IOK.

Read here: https://digitalrightsmonitor.pk/kashmir-solidarity-day-six-months-of-atrocities-continue